
Checkered fireproof board 1001

Pattern series fireproof board
Fire prevention board decorative plate and belongs to the interior ceiling decoration products, designed for normal use space installed in 15 ℃ to 30 ℃,
Consulting products

Fire prevention board decorative plate and belongs to the interior ceiling decoration products, designed for normal use space installed in 15 ℃ to 30 ℃, relative humidity of not more than 70%. All gypsum, cement, grinding stones or other wet works must be placed properly. Before, during or after installation, the heating, ventilation and cooling air conditioning system should be properly installed and available to maintain normal temperature.

Above is about the pattern fire prevention board manufacturer, the pattern fire prevention board price, the detailed introduction of the pattern fire prevention board thickness

Products: guangdong fire prevention board, zhejiang fire prevention board, shandong fire prevention board, linyi fire prevention board, jinan fire prevention board, Beijing fire prevention board, Shanghai fire prevention board, jiangsu fire prevention board.
